Let's Bake Together

Double Chocolate Coconut Cookies

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Chocolate and coconut is a seriously underrated combination. The freshness of coconut and simultaneous sweetness/bitterness of chocolate are a match made in heaven.

I only added shredded coconut to these cookies, but you could definitely up the ante with some coconut oil. These are mostly chocolate with a hint of coconut, so if you want some more coconut with each bite replace some of the butter with melted coconut oil. Not a lot though, you don’t want it to be overwhelming.

Can I be honest with you? I made these cookies when I was halfway through my second gin & tonic Saturday night. I finished up some homework while drinking the first one (I got an A so clearly it helped), then had a second one to celebrate and decided I wanted to make cookies. So you can thank my gin brain for these babies.

I was staying at my friend’s place and she had these coconut chip/slices so that’s what I used. I think shredded coconut would work just fine. You’d probably get more of a coconut flavour in each bite that way too. Do you, though. Keep the chocolate, tweak the amount of coconut to suit your preferences. I’m a coconut fan so I’d probably add some more. It’s totally up to you though; make this the chocolate coconut cookie of your dreams!

I want to update you all on my knee situation because I got such a great response for my last post. I met with the specialist and I swear to you, within TWO SECONDS of him putting the ultrasound probe on my knee, he diagnose my problem. I have a torn medial retinaculum. You’ve never heard of it, right? Yeah, trust me to tear a ligament no one’s familiar with. So today I’m having a pretty expensive, experimental injection in the hopes that it will regenerate my ligament without me having to have surgery. I’m more nervous about this than I have been about any of my surgeries so I’d appreciate any good thoughts/vibes/prayers you can send my way.

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