Let's Bake Together

Tag: chocolate

Red Wine Chocolate Macarons

Red Wine Chocolate Macarons

Ok, here we are with the third Valentine macaron recipe of the week. Allow me to introduce you to these red wine chocolate macarons! Now, can you make these macarons when it isn’t Valentine’s Day? Absolutely. But I used an edible marker to write cute 

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Macarons

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Macarons

Macaron recipe 2 of 3 for the week! We’re continuing with our raspberry theme today and combining them with some chocolate to create these fun, decadent dark chocolate raspberry macarons! If you (or your loved one) loves the combination of fruit and chocolate, you’ll love 

Chocolate Espresso Snickerdoodles

Chocolate Espresso Snickerdoodles

I’ve made a lot of bold claims over the various types of snickerdoodles on my blog. Each one seems to become my new favourite, but you guys, these might actually be my favourite variation yet. These are chocolate espresso snickerdoodles and there’s a good chance 

Espresso Dark Chocolate Macarons

Espresso Dark Chocolate Macarons

Ok, I don’t want to say these are the best macarons I’ve ever made, but I’m not saying they’re not. If you ask my sister, she’d tell you these espresso dark chocolate macarons really are the best I’ve made. I think I personally prefer fruity 

Brown Butter Caramelia & Dulcey Cookies

Brown Butter Caramelia & Dulcey Cookies

By now, we all know that chocolate chip cookies are better when you make them with brown butter. It’s just a fact, I don’t make the rules. We also know that chopped chocolate or feves are better than chocolate chip. For this brown butter variation