Let's Bake Together

Strawberry Inspiration Cookies

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Ok, so I’m going to spend some time telling you about the most incredible strawberry chocolate. It’s fancy, French, and expensive, but oh boy is it worth every penny. I just wish it came in bigger bags.

The folks at Valrhona know what they’re doing. I’ve been obsessed with their chocolate ever since I took a chocolates class in culinary school and every now and then I load up on it for my baking projects. Caramel is always in my cart and now I’m thinking this strawberry inspiration will be making a permanent appearance too. It’s SO GOOD.

The deep, very real strawberry flavour the chocolate has is achieved by making it with freeze-dried strawberry powder. This might be the most perfect use for it. Like, I literally cannot get enough. I had to restrain myself from eating it while I was making these cookies.

These cookies are so good. I thought about sharing the recipe in time for Valentine’s Day, but I decided these are really the perfect year round treat so I’m sharing it now.

We aren’t browning the butter this time like I do with 99% of my cookies because we really want the strawberry flavour to shine through. We’re essentially replacing regular chocolate chips with these beautiful red feves and it’s a most excellent decision. 

I used vanilla bean paste, but you can totally use good ol’ vanilla extract. These almost taste like a strawberries and cream cookie and you can bet when I get my hands on more of this chocolate, I’ll be making an attempt at that. 

Basically the moral of this blog post is to get your hands on this strawberry inspiration chocolate. It’s pricey, but totally worth every penny. Buy chocolate, make cookies. Easy!

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