Let's Bake Together

Mini Egg Blondies

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stack of three mini egg blondies

I never used to understand why people prefer blondies to brownies. I mean, who in their right mind would pick brown sugar over chocolate? Well my friends, I’m here to tell you that these mini egg blondies might be solely responsible for me now reaching for blondies over brownies. 

These are truly the perfect blondie. One bite and you’ll be transported straight to heaven. I’m not kidding, these are a total game changer.

These are a very sweet treat. The two cups of brown sugar will do that. But that buttery, brown sugar flavour pairs so perfectly with the classic Cadbury Mini Eggs. Mini egg blondies are the treat you didn’t know you needed.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who buys wayyyyyyyyyyy more of these than she should during the Easter season. Is there even such a thing as too many mini eggs? If there is, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. 

I start baking with them (and eating them) the second they make their first appearance at the store. I could go on and on about how good they are, but for me, it’s really all about the nostalgia behind them.

In England, everyone enjoys these. Mini eggs all day every day. It’s basically a way of life.

Blondies are definitely not English, but they are delicious and that’s really what counts. Easter treats are always so much fun to make. They’re bright, colourful, and filled with some of the best candy around. Keep the peeps away from me though, those are gross and really shouldn’t exist. 

I originally shared this recipe a couple of years ago, in the same post as my mini egg brownies. I’ve decided to separate the two posts so we’re rolling this out as a new recipe today and I’ll update the brownies later this week. In the meantime, grab your brown sugar and your mini eggs and get baking. These are a treat you definitely don’t want to miss out on!

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