Let's Bake Together

Crinkle Cookies

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So this was supposed to post yesterday but when I got to work and went to publish it, the only thing that showed up in the draft was the recipe. So either my blog hates me or I forgot to hit save. It was probably the latter; getting up early kills me.

Anyway, I’m here today with a recipe for crinkle cookies! These might be the ultimate Christmas cookie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of sugar cookies and gingerbread, but these are full of chocolate and look like they’ve been dusted in snow. Which is pretty much the only way I like snow unless I’m up a mountain.


Snow and I aren’t really friends.

Speaking of friends, everyone, meet Bailey! She’s an Australian labradoodle and the newest addition to the family. She’s tiny (6 1/2lbs), cheeky and pretty much has us all wrapped around her little paw.


But I mean, look at that face. How can you resist? You’ll probably be seeing more of her here on the blog – I’m pretty sure she’s going to become my baking buddy/blog mascot 🙂

But back to the cookies.

These sweet treats are easy to make, look great, and taste fantastic. They’re soft and chocolatey and rolled in powdered sugar prior to baking for a nice snowy, wintery look. Crinkle cookies make a great addition to any holiday cookie plate!


I can almost guarantee you won’t be able to stop at just one cookie, that’s how good these are. I’m actually catering a holiday party in a couple of weeks (because I’m crazy) and these bad boys are on the menu.


Over the weekend I met with the couple hosting the party and they joked that a couple of people attending love crinkle cookies and would probably have to be cut off or they’d eat them all. Honestly, I don’t blame them. What person in their right mind could say no to a chocolate cookie covered in powdered sugar?!

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