Let's Bake Together

Chocolate Swiss Roll

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So I don’t make a lot of cake.

Mostly, for whatever reason, I cannot seem to beautifully frost a cake to save my life. So instead of practicing like I probably should, I just avoid making cake and instead spend my time making macarons and cookies. Which happen to be easier to share with people at work because we don’t have to worry about cutting slices and frosting everywhere.

See? I’m just making it easier for my coworkers.

Really, I should have made this cake in December. Ya see, we were supposed to celebrate my dad’s birthday (Christmas Eve), but Portland decided snow/ice was a good idea so we couldn’t go. Which is actually funny because we just had snow in Portland last week.

Look at things coming full circle!

So this was pretty much a birthday cake, two months late. I promise you, it was worth the wait. Although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend waiting two months to make this cake. Maybe two days? Two weeks, tops.

This cake is so. easy. Make batter, bake, roll up. Making filling, unroll, fill, drape with ganache. Refrigerate. Eat.

Piece of cake!

Ok, that was bad…

It’s delicious, decadent, chocolatey and pretty. Really, everything you want in a cake. Go forth and bake cake, my friends!

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