Let's Bake Together

Chocolate Fudge

I probably only make fudge once a year, if that. This year, so far, I’ve made this fudge five times. All within the last week. Am I obsessed? Maybe. It’s worth it, though.

I first made this fudge just to make fudge, and I immediately fell in love with how easy it was to make and how perfectly it set. The first batch went to my family. It didn’t last very long.

Batch number two came with me to work for my office party. I work in a clinic that shares space with another clinic. So we all work together, but have separate holiday parties. My clinic basically shut down for half a day for our party and, much to the dismay of my other coworkers, the fudge came with me to the party (I did save some for a few people, I’m not a total monster). The doctors I work with LOVED it, which surprised me a little as they aren’t very effusive about anything. But the best comment I got came from the social worker I work with, who took one piece and proclaimed it to be “the best fudge” she’d “ever eaten”. I think that may be the greatest compliment I’ve ever got in my life.

Batch three was made with a group of friends on Saturday, shared among them and a friend of ours who is currently stationed in Afghanistan.

Batches four and five have both been made, cut, and wrapped for a few people that work for our local professional basketball team, the Portland Trailblazers. I’m giving these to a friend of mine who works for the team as gifts for her to give to some of her coworkers and I’m so excited to share them with everyone on Wednesday. Based off my previous feedback on this fudge, I think it’s going to go really well!

All you need for this fudge is four ingredients, one bowl, a pot with some boiling water, and a baking pan for it to set it. Easy!

Definitely use semisweet chocolate for this fudge, milk won’t set as well and bittersweet will just be wayyyyy to chocolatey, even for the ultimate chocolate lover. Semisweet is the way to go!

Head to your kitchen and get making fudge, friends!

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Chocolate Fudge

December 19, 2017


  • 20oz. semisweet chocolate, roughly chopped (I like to use Ghiradelli)
  • 1 can (14oz.) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 3 tbsp. unsalted butter, room temperature
  • Step 1 Grease and line an 8×8″ baking pan with parchment paper, allow some to hang over the edges.
  • Step 2 Place all ingredients together in a heatproof bowl.
  • Step 3 Bring a pot filled about 1/4-1/2 full with water to a boil. Lower to a simmer and place bowl on top. Stir frequently, until ingredients are completely melted and have thickened, about 8-10 minutes.
  • Step 4 Once thickened, pour into your prepared plan and smooth out evenly. Place in your fridge for at least 2 hours, until completely set.
  • Step 5 Use a knife or offset spatula to gently release fudge from the edges of your plan, remove, and cut into pieces. It is quite a rich fudge so you don’t want huge squares.
  • Step 6 Keep refrigerated until ready to eat.

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