Let's Bake Together

Boston Cream Pie

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Today’s my mum’s birthday, so obviously this weekend I had to make her a cake. I was on vacation for a couple of weeks in Europe so it had been a while since I was in the kitchen and the withdrawals were real. I didn’t quite have the brain power to come up with my own recipe (jet lag brain is real), so I gave my mum one of my 20 million cookbooks and told her to pick out a cake for me to bake.

If you don’t already have Layered, go and get it. It is one stunning book and it’s filled with lots of incredible cake recipes.

As we all know, I’m not much of a cake decorator. For whatever reason, I cannot frost a cake to save my life. I can make puff pastry from scratch, and most of the time I can get my macarons to turn out how I want them to, but cake decorating? Yeah, no. I just can’t do it. It always ends up looking like a very messy toddler was in charge.

Not something you want to give your mother.

This cake is super simple, but full of flavour. We’ve got two layers of light, fluffy, tender buttermilk cakes filled with a homemade vanilla pastry cream, topped with a rich, shiny chocolate icing.

Before this, I hadn’t made pastry cream since culinary school all those millions of years ago. You guys, I forgot how good it is! I want to make it all the time and put it in absolutely everything. Vanilla beans are key to any great vanilla infused dessert. Make this pastry cream guys, I promise you won’t regret it.

Happy Birthday, Mum!

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