Let's Bake Together

White Chocolate Raspberry Macarons

macarons and raspberry preserves

These white chocolate raspberry macarons might be one of my favourites. One bite and I was actually in heaven. I’d like to think it was because of my crazy good baking skills, but I actually think the Bonne Maman raspberry preserves are responsible for taking these macarons to the next level. If you want good fruit preserves, reach for the Bonne Maman.

(I promise, this isn’t sponsored. I really do just love their preserves that much). 

white chocolate raspberry macarons

White chocolate and raspberry is such a classic baking combination. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to bring it to the blog.

Lucky for us, the wait is over! And let me tell you, these white chocolate raspberry macarons were 100% worth the wait. I had to put them in the freezer so I’d stop eating them. Out of sight, out of mind, you know? 

White Chocolate Raspberry Macarons

Let’s talk about these a little more.

We have delicate pink shells. You can use whatever colour you want, but pink just feels like raspberry to me, so that’s what I went with. 

Next up, the white chocolate ganache. For this, you want to use really good quality white chocolate. Ghirardelli, Guittard, or Callebaut will all do what we need. I used Ghirardelli white chocolate chips, but I would typically recommend using chopped chocolate because it melts better. Heavy cream and a little unsalted butter round out the ingredients we need for the ganache. For our purposes, we want the let the ganache set until it is a similar consistency to buttercream. That’ll make it nice a pipe-able and it won’t ooze out of our macarons.

Now for the raspberry preserves. Can you make your own? Yes, but honestly, I’m too limited with how much standing I can do with my knee so I reached for the good old Bonne Maman raspberry preserves. Honestly, any raspberry jam/preserve will work here. You just want to make sure it isn’t a super runny one because we don’t want our shells getting too soggy. 

That’s it! Happy baking, friends! I hope you love these as much as I do.

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White Chocolate Raspberry Macarons

May 24, 2021
: 40 macarons


  • Macaron Shells:
  • 275g almond flour
  • 250g powdered sugar
  • 210g sugar
  • 210g egg whites
  • Pink gel food colouring (optional)
  • Ganache:
  • White Chocolate Ganache:
  • 10 oz. white chocolate, chopped
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. unsalted butter
  • Raspberry Preserves (I like Bonne Maman)
  • Step 1 Macaron Shells:
  • Step 2 To start, put the almond flour and powdered sugar in a food processor and blend thoroughly. Sift into a bowl to ensure there are no lumps.
  • Step 3 In the bowl of a stand mixer (make sure it’s clean and dry), beat the egg whites until foamy. Slowly add the sugar, about 2 tbsp at a time, beating on a medium speed. Once the sugar has dissolved, increase speed to medium high and beat until a thick glossy meringue forms (if adding food colouring, add it now). The mixture should form stiff peaks and you should be able to tip the bowl over your head with none of the mixture coming out.
  • Step 4 With a large, flat rubber spatula, gently fold 1/3 of almond flour/powdered sugar mixture into egg whites until combined. Repeat until all of the almond mixture has been added. Fold to combine until you see no streaks of almond flour in the batter. The batter should be pretty fluid, a lot of people describe as a lava-like consistency. It should run smoothly off the spatula when you pull it out. This part comes with practice. Once you know the consistency, you’ll just be able to feel when it’s ready.
  • Step 5 Pipe the batter into circles onto parchment or silicone lined baking sheets. Bang the tray a few times on a table to remove air bubbles and allow to sit for about 30 minutes before baking. To see if they’re ready for baking, touch your finger to them. If you get batter on your finger, they need to rest longer.
  • Step 6 While resting, preheat your oven to 300°F with a rack placed in the lower third of the oven. Bake, one sheet at a time, for 15-18 minutes (this depends on your oven, my old one was fine at 15 minutes, this one needs 17-18). The shells should cool completely before you remove them from the parchment/silicone.
  • Step 7 White Chocolate Ganache:
  • Step 8 Place chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl.
  • Step 9 In a small saucepan, heat the heavy cream until just boiling. Remove from the heat and pour over the chopped chocolate. Let sit for 2-3 minutes, then add in the butter and mix until everything is incorporated. Allow to sit at room temperature until thickened to a consistency similar to buttercream.
  • Step 10 Assembly:
  • Step 11 Pipe a ring of white chocolate buttercream on one half of each macaron pair. Add a little raspberry jam to the middle of the ring and sandwich together.
  • Step 12 Macarons should be refrigerated until ready to eat. They will have the best consistency if they are taken out of the fridge 30 minutes before eating.

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