Let's Bake Together

Tag: portland

Blog Relaunch

Blog Relaunch

Last night, the server I host my blog on crashed and lost everything I’ve worked on over the last two years. The only saving grace was that while it deleted all of my posts, it saved them all as drafts so I don’t have to 

Plum Deluxe Teas

Plum Deluxe Teas

One of my favourite things about having this blog is being able to support and tell you all about small, independent food and beverage companies here in Portland. About a month ago I was contacted by Andy Hayes, founder and owner of Plum Deluxe. Plum 

Break You Make

Break You Make

Chobani is currently promoting their #BreakYouMake project. They’re challenging everyone to talk about someone in their life (family, friends, coworkers, etc.) in need of a break. The premise behind this project is that people throughout America work hard and need a break. Their Chobani Flip Greek 

Mother’s Day Brunch

Mother’s Day Brunch

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and I have 5 killer places you’ll want to consider taking mum to for brunch. My mum will be on a plane to England with my sister on Mother’s Day, but if she was here I’d definitely be taking her 

Portland Dining Month: Thirst Bar & Bistro

Portland Dining Month: Thirst Bar & Bistro

Last Tuesday was my last day of culinary school. To celebrate, last night my parents and I went to dinner at Thirst Wine Bar & Bistro and ate our way through their Portland Dining Month menu. The food and wine were great, and the location really couldn’t