Let's Bake Together

Tag: macaron

Vanilla Bean Mummy Macarons

Vanilla Bean Mummy Macarons

Halloween is maybe my least favourite holiday. In all 28 years of my life, I think I can count the number of times I’ve dressed up on one hand. It just isn’t my thing. You know what is my thing though? Macarons. This week my 

Peppermint Mocha Macarons

Peppermint Mocha Macarons

Holiday baking season is officially here and we’re kicking it off with peppermint mocha macarons! Some people wait until December 1st to start holiday baking, I start the day after Thanksgiving. Making the most of holiday baking season, obviously. I’m going to be totally honest 

Coffee Macarons

Coffee Macarons

It feels like it’s been a while since I posted a macaron recipe so here’s a new one for ya! These combine the best treats, macarons, and the drink that sometimes single-handedly gets me through the day. I’m taking coffee. All coffee, all the time! 

Dark Chocolate Trail Blazer Macarons

Dark Chocolate Trail Blazer Macarons

Let me be completely honest by how much I struggled with making the macaron shells yesterday. One tray came out perfectly, the next all looked like volcanoes erupting and another ended up lopsided. These were all made from the exact same batch of meringue and 

Gingerbread Macarons

Gingerbread Macarons

Macs are back! First macs back after a little hiatus? Gingerbread macarons! A few weeks ago, I started training for my new job. A group of new hires, just like myself went to a “sim lab” to be trained on how to properly do our