Let's Bake Together

Tag: fall

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to put my pumpkin chocolate chip bread recipe on here. I mean, there’s really no excuse for that. But now, the secret is out! Secret might be taking it too far. Like most pumpkin breads, this has 

Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble

  This is 100% my favourite month of the year. Here in Oregon, it isn’t too rainy yet. The mornings are crisp, it warms up a little during the day and the leaves are the colours of sunsets. It is truly the most beautiful month 

Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins

Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins

I promise this will be the only pumpkin/pumpkin spice recipe I’ll post this year. Cross my heart. Don’t get me wrong, I think pumpkin and pumpkin spice treats can be great (remember those pumpkin spice macarons from last year?). I’m just not really a fan 

Toffee Bit Cookies with Chocolate Drizzle

Toffee Bit Cookies with Chocolate Drizzle

A few weeks ago, I was out running errands and bought this bag of toffee bits. Because I’m weird and why not?! I had no plans to actually do anything with them, it was one of those “on a whim” purchases that I didn’t think 

Salted Caramel Apple Pie

Salted Caramel Apple Pie

I have a confession to make. I work in a pie shop – baking pies – but pie isn’t really my thing. To be fair, desserts in general aren’t my thing. I’m more of a cookie/macaron girl than cakes and pies. Which probably explains why