Let's Bake Together

Tag: cheese

Spicy Cheddar Crackers

Spicy Cheddar Crackers

We’ll get back to the sweet, sugar-filled goodies next week, I promise. This week, though, I want to tell you about some cheese crackers that will be gone within a day. They’re just that good. I’ve made cheese crackers and posted them on here before 

White Cheddar Bacon Scones

White Cheddar Bacon Scones

Sometimes, you just need to eat something that involves cheese and bacon. This week, that something happens to be these white cheddar bacon scones.   You guys, I don’t know what it is, but there is something about savoury scones that I just love so 

Savoury Zucchini Cheese Muffins

Savoury Zucchini Cheese Muffins

For the last few summers we’ve grown zucchini, among other things, in our backyard. This year, for whatever reason, the crop isn’t quite as good as it normally is, but it’s still yielding enough to let me experiment in the kitchen. Experiment #1: savoury zucchini 

Cheddar & Leek Muffins

Cheddar & Leek Muffins

Not all muffins need to be filled with sugar and berries. Although I won’t complain if they are. But if you’re like me and you want a change from most baked goods being sweet, allow me to introduce you to these cheddar and leek muffins. 

Cheesy Leek & Brussels Sprouts Scones

Cheesy Leek & Brussels Sprouts Scones

Scones are so versatile. Sweet or savoury, you really can’t go wrong. And while I love a good bittersweet chocolate scones or one stuffed with tea or fruit, sometimes you need something that doesn’t involve sugar and sweet items. Sometimes, cheese and vegetables just hit