Let's Bake Together

Strawberry Shortcake

Is there a better summer dessert than strawberry shortcake? I don’t think so.

And this shortcake recipe, adapted from one I found in the New York Times, is a total winner. I’m talking buttery, flaky shortcake, sandwiched between homemade whipped cream and the freshest, most delicious strawberries you can find.

I had a really rough week last week between work, school, a sick puppy, and my personal life and honestly, if I’d been able to eat this, it might have made it all better. Maybe.

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just feel so behind in everything and overwhelmed by the million things that are happening in your life at any given time? That was me last week. I was a total mess Monday-Friday and it honestly didn’t get much better over the weekend. Sometimes life just knocks you down, but what’s important is getting back up again and never quitting.

Honestly, most of my problems stem from my knee. I’m honestly not sure this stupid injection is working and I’m frustrated, in pain, and just over it. So, so over it. I don’t go back and see the doctor that did the injection for another week and I’m seriously just hoping for some kind of miracle between now and then. And that the ultrasound shows maybe just a little bit of healing in the ligament I tore. That’s not asking for much, right?

Let’s be real though, you’re here for the shortcake and not my depressing week.

This shortcake is easy, delicious, and everything you could possibly want on a hot summer day. We mash up some of the strawberries and combine them with some sliced strawberries and sugar to get a magical combination of strawberries and a strawberry syrup. While that’s doing it’s thing we make and bake the shortcake. Buttery, flaky, decadent. Those get a chance to cool and we make our whipped cream. Nothing fancy here, just whipping cream and some vanilla. Simplicity is key.

From there we cut the shortcakes in half, load them up with berries and whipped cream, and sit back and enjoy our summer treat. Because it’s hot, we work hard, and we deserve it!

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Strawberry Shortcake

August 1, 2017


  • 2 pints strawberries
  • 1/4-1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups self-rising flour
  • 3 tbsp. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 5 tsp. baking powder
  • 3/4 cups butter, softened
  • 3 cups whipping cream + more, for brushing
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Raw cane sugar, for sprinkling
  • Step 1 Cut the strawberries in half (if large, cut into quarters). Gently crush 1/4 of the berries with a fork and mix with remaining berries and 1/4-1/2 cup sugar, depending on your sweetness preference. Set aside, covered, for about 30 minutes.
  • Step 2 Preheat oven to 450°F. Line baking sheets with parchment and set aside.
  • Step 3 In a large bowl, sift the flours, sugar, salt and baking powder. Add the butter and using your fingers or a pastry blender, cut it into the flour mixture. Add 1 1/4 cups of the heavy whipping cream and mix until the dough is soft. Knead on a lightly floured surface until smooth, about 1 minute. Then roll out to 1/2″ thickness. Use a biscuit/cookie cutter to cut out rounds.
  • Step 4 Place the rounds on your prepared baking sheets and brush with some heavy cream and sprinkle with raw cane sugar. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until golden brown.
  • Step 5 Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  • Step 6 Once cool, beat the rest of the whipping cream until it begins to thicken, then add the vanilla. Beat again until thick and your desired whipped cream consistency.
  • Step 7 Cut shortcakes in half. Top bottom layer with berries and whipped cream, then place the other half on top.

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