Let's Bake Together

“Rip City” Cupcakes

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If you know me at all, you’ll know how much I love my Portland Trailblazers. If I’m not in the stadium with 20,000 other people cheering on the team, I’m probably sitting at my house yelling at my tv.


The team reached the playoffs this year for the first time since the 2010-2011 season and they’re currently facing the Houston Rockets in round 1. We won the first two games in Houston and lost last night at home (in overtime; I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing about halfway through the game, these games are probably not good for anyone’s blood pressure).

But don’t worry. I have a good feeling about tomorrow’s game. No one beats us twice in a row at home. No one.

Back to the cupcakes.


I had a lot of fun whipping up these little babies. The Blazers team colours are red, black and white so I made good use of those when I was making these. The base for the cupcake is the same as the cupcake recipe I developed for The Oregonian on Valentine’s Day. It’s so deliciously chocolatey and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?

I did double the recipe because it only makes 12 and I wanted a cupcake for each player (15) and some other Blazer-centric things. I’m not going to lie, I’m not totally happy with how the frosting turned out. I think next time I would do red/white frosting instead of red/black and have the numbers and letters in black. But you live and learn, as they say. Getting the frosting to turn black required a lot of food colouring.


Yesterday I used candy melts for the first time and I’m pretty happy with the results. It’s a really easy way to make cute little decorations (or in my case, numbers and letters) to put on top of cupcakes. Melt the candy, pipe it onto some wax paper, let it set and you’re done. Easy!

I also baked up a little something else yesterday, but I’ll wait until tomorrow or Monday to post that one. Don’t want to overload you with too much goodness 😉




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