Let's Bake Together

Lemon Strawberry Cookies

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I’m going to be completely honest with you guys. These lemon strawberry cookies are exactly the same as my lemon raspberry cookies, but they use Valrhona strawberry inspiration instead of the raspberry. 

Both are delicious and filled with bright summer flavours. You really can’t go wrong either way. Lemon raspberry and lemon strawberry are both classic summer combinations.

What I love most about these cookies is that you can really taste the lemon and the strawberry. One doesn’t overpower the other and they complement each other perfectly. 

My whole family was together in one house this weekend to take advantage of the air conditioning during our crazy heatwave. They couldn’t stop eating these lemon strawberry cookies! If that doesn’t mean these cookies are good, I don’t know what does. This is a group of people that will be brutally honest with me if they don’t like something, so I feel pretty confident trusting their opinions. 

Other than the flavour, what I love most about these cookies is how soft they are. No crunchy or crispy cookies here, I’m all about soft cookies you won’t break your teeth on. Unless we’re talking about biscotti…those should definitely be more of a challenge for your teeth!

Strawberry Inspiration

I am asking you to splurge a little on some pricey chocolate for these, but I promise you its worth it. The Valrhona inspiration chocolate is packed full of strawberry flavour, no other chocolate even comes close. It uses real fruit (in this case freeze-dried strawberries), cocoa butter, and sugar to create the perfect feve to use in all of your baked goods! I just can’t get enough. 

If it’s cool enough to be using the oven where you are, I hope you make these cookies. We’re very slowly coming out of a crazy heat dome here in Portland (we reached 116°F!) and I never want to deal with that heat again. Bake on, my friends!

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