Let's Bake Together

Lemon Cloud Tea Cookies

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If cookies that quite literally melt in your mouth as you eat them are your thing, then these are the cookies for you. Especially if you like the bright, fresh, citrusy flavour of lemon. Then these are the cookies of your dreams.

If a cookie could be a cloud, these cookies would be first in line. They’re light and fluffy and whoever thought they should be called cloud cookies was right on. Little lemon clouds I tell ya.

So these are called lemon cloud tea cookies, which means not only are they cloud like, they’re the absolute damn perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea. Which I drink at least 3 times a day so if I needed an excuse to eat these cookies 3 times a day, I’ve got one! If you don’t drink tea, get started.

This cup has quickly become my favourite. Not only does it hold the perfect large amount but I love the message on it. It’s been especially meaningful over the last few days. Portland had a horrific attack happen on Friday. Two incredibly brave men lost their lives and another was hospitalized with his injuries. As I was driving home from work on Friday not one, not two, not three, but EIGHT different police cars zoomed past me. At the time, I had no idea where they were going and why. I found out later what had happened and it just broke my heart. Two innocent girls targeted on the MAX, three brave men standing up for them and standing up against hate.

Incidents like this are happening far too often and I like to look at this mug as a reminder that love is powerful, love is important, and we need to spread as much love as we can. Start off with something simple, like baking cookies for a neighbour or even a stranger. Give a smile to people you walk past on the street (just make sure it isn’t a creepy smile, that would be weird).

Go. Drink your tea, eat your lemon cloud tea cookies and spread joy. The world needs it.

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