Let's Bake Together

Feast Portland: Brunch Village

Just before I went on my quick little trip to Europe, I posted about the Feast Portland night market because your girl got a blogger pass and basically had the opportunity to have fun, eat delicious food, and drink tasty drinks. No complaints from me!

The rest of the weekend I went to a couple of the smaller tasting events as well as two of the bigger events, the Grand Tasting and Brunch Village. I had actually been to the Grand Tasting before, when I went to Feast last year.

It’s a fun event – lots of foods to try, and drinks, duh! It takes place in Portland’s Pioneer Square, which is right in the heart of downtown Portland. The setting is great and we got really lucky with some bright sunshine this year, which was a nice change from the pouring rain last year! Local and national vendors fill the square with more food and drink than you can imagine. I think these doughnuts were my favourite.

This year was my first time going to the Brunch Village and like the good friend I am, I got two of my best friends to go with me. And I think it’s safe to say we had fun.

We ate, we drank, we giggled. We assembled our own Bloody Mary’s in the rain. It was maybe my favourite event of the weekend!

Let’s talk about what we ate. There was a gluten-free waffle with blueberries. YUM.

We also had fun drinks. These Triple C Spritz drinks were delicious! And the two manning the booth were so fun to talk to.

You’ve all heard of chicken and waffles, right? Well, what about chicken and doughnuts?! You guys, I could not get enough of these! SO GOOD!

I mean, just look at those cute little doughnuts!

One more picture for good luck, then we’ll move on.

This was a quail’s egg and it was TASTY. I don’t actually think I’d had a quail’s egg before this, but it certainly won’t be my last.

Have you ever heard of milk bar? Not only did they have these delicious fun parfaits (a birthday brekkie cup!), but they also had bagel bombs. I think all three of us now bow down to bagel bombs.

BAGEL BOMBS. (There was some kind of magic filling inside this bagel bomb, you guys. Magic).

If you’ve ever dreamed of a grilled cheese that literally makes your mouth water, we found it at Brunch Village. Cheese and bread is my thing so I feel like this was made for me.

This event was so, so much fun and the perfect ending to what was an incredible weekend. I’m glad I got to spend the day feasting with my friends and I’m already looking forward to next year. Who’s coming with me?

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