Let's Bake Together

FEAST Portland 2017

I can’t believe it’s the end of August already. Normally, the end of August isn’t something to look forward to – going back to school, then end of summer, return of the good old Portland rain. This year, though, I’m ready for September and all it entails. The most exciting thing I’m looking forward to this September is FEAST!

For those of you unfamiliar with FEAST, it’s a huge weekend-long food event here in Portland. It’s a food-lovers dream! Chefs and artisans from all over the country come to Portland to celebrate all things food and drink, while raising money for the Oregon Food Bank. Last year I went for the first time and it did not disappoint. This year I applied for and got a blogger pass and I’m so excited to cover the event and bring a little piece of it to all of you who couldn’t make it to Portland.

Last year my friend and I went to the Night Market and had the best time. It was all fun, Latin-inspired food. I tried things that I never normally would and got to chat with some incredible chefs. I also went to the Grand Tasting event with my sister. We got to sample all sorts of fun, local foods – the ice cream taco from Salt and Straw was a hit!

If I learned anything last year, it’s that you either need multiple stomachs to make it through this event, or just don’t eat for a few days before or after. You’ll be eating a LOT of delicious food and want to be able to enjoy it.

This year, FEAST is September 14-17th. That’s four days of food, fun and drinks – basically all I need in life. I’m looking forward to attending some fun events this year; I’m going to the Grand Tasting event, Night Market, Brunch Village, and Drink Tank tasting panels. To say I’m excited would be a giant understatement!

FEAST is made up of multiple events over four days. Some large events like the Sandwich Invitational and Smoked!, hands-on classes such as a candy workshop and salt-block grilling, fun size events like Adventures in take-out, drink tank panels (my favourite is called “Your Best Friend, Gin”, and dinner series events like Portland Surf and Texas Turf, and the Not-So Secret Supper.

You really can’t go wrong with any of the events. A lot of them are sold out, but there are still a few tickets left so grab them while you can! I’ll even make it easy for you, just click here. If  you are coming to Portland for FEAST, let me know! I’d love to meet you and bond over all things food 🙂

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