Let's Bake Together

Fall Break


Fall break is officially over and my classes start back up bright and early tomorrow morning.

Over the last week and a half I had off from school I:

  • puff painted some shot glasses and made a pretty cool birthday basket for a friend.
  • struggled with some macaron making — I think my oven needs calibrating 🙁

photo 1

  • had a girls night with two of my best friends {we drank a little too much gin and obnoxiously sang along to Backstreet Boys songs}


  • Baked. A lot.
  • Ate too much bread and cheese {actually, there’s no such thing as too much bread & cheese}
  • Enjoyed my last few days in my friends apartment before I returned to the ‘burbs. I miss it already and really think they should find a broom closet for me to hide in.
  • Reunited with my ‘twin’ after she spent 6 weeks in Europe!
  • Had brunch with my three favourite people and caught Taylor up on everything that happened in our lives during the six weeks she was gone {you guys, a lot can/did happen in six weeks}
  • Restarted the tootsie roll challenge with Zach
  • Made these killer lemon raspberry rolls

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetI’m so excited for classes this quarter and can’t wait to share some new recipes with you soon! I have lots of autumnal recipes lined up, so stay tuned!

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