Let's Bake Together

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries


There are times when turning my oven on is the last thing I want to do.

When we’re breaking April temperature records with 87°F days, I want to make something quick and easy with little to no cooking time.

Say hello to cheesecake stuffed strawberries!


We had strawberries in our cookie sandwich filling last week and this week we’re filling the strawberries. Because no baking and I’m having a seriously hard time walking/standing and I was able to do all of this sitting down.


My knee is eternally grateful. I’m basically fueled by ibuprofen right now.

This weekend some of my friends and I went out to Hood River for a cider festival. You guys, some of that cider was good beyond words.


My two favourites were a peach cider and a bramble cider. So. Dang. Good.

Hood River is an Oregon gem. I highly recommend going if you’re ever in Oregon. It’s beautiful.

Back to the berries. All you need is cream cheese, powdered sugar, a little vanilla extract, some graham cracker crumbs and of course strawberries.


They’re easy to make, super tasty and require absolutely no oven time.

What more could you want?

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Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

April 19, 2016


  • 2 lb. strawberries
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Graham cracker crumbs
  • Step 1 Wash the strawberries and cut off the tops.
  • Step 2 Core the strawberries with a small knife (The easiest way to core the strawberries is to hold the entire berry in your hand {wrap your fingers around it} and literally just core out the center. Get as deep as you can without breaking through the bottom).
  • Step 3 Beat the cream cheese. Add the powdered sugar and vanilla, beating until smooth.
  • Step 4 Put cream cheese mixture in a piping bag and pipe into strawberries, slightly overfilling each one. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs and refrigerate until ready to serve.

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