Let's Bake Together


Zucchini & Corn Risotto

Zucchini & Corn Risotto

I know we just had a new risotto recipe a few weeks ago, but I really can’t get enough. It’s one of my favourite things to eat and I find it oddly therapeutic to stand in my kitchen on one leg constantly stirring. Some people 

Leek & Asparagus Risotto

Leek & Asparagus Risotto

If I had to pick one savoury dish to have for the rest of my life, I think it would be risotto. It takes time, love, and lots of stirring by oh my goodness is it worth it. One of the best things about it 

Summer Vegetable Risotto

Summer Vegetable Risotto

Risotto is pretty much hands-down my favourite thing. It’s creamy, it’s comforting, and you can basically throw anything in it and it’ll taste delicious. Usually, it’s thought of as an autumn/winter dish because of it’s warm, comforting qualities, but I’m here today to tell you 

Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas

Allow me to introduce you to my favourite snack. Roasted chickpeas. Or garbanzo beans. Whatever you want to call them we’re roasting them and tossing them with the spices of our choice. I’m a cumin and coriander girl, but you do you. This is a 

Carrot Zucchini Fritters

Carrot Zucchini Fritters

These fritters are a game changer. The kind of game changer that will have you wanting to eat vegetables forever and ever – you’ll be buying (or growing) more zucchini and carrots than you could ever have imagined and you’ll love every second of it.