Let's Bake Together

Brownie Cookies

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If I’m honest, these cookies only came about because someone I follow on instagram posted a picture of a batch she made and I decided I needed to make some for myself. I mean, what person in their right mind could say no to a brownie/cookie combination. It’s the ultimate chocolate treat.

It’s the shape and softness of the perfect cookie, with the crinkle, shiny look of a brownie. Honestly, if I had all of the ingredients I needed I would probably make some right now. Or at least when I get home from work.

Today is my first day in the clinic after two weeks of training in a sim lab and I have lots of feelings. I’m a little nervous/apprehensive because while the training was helpful (I’ve never worked in a clinic before), I haven’t had any other experience other than being a patient myself. I’m excited because one of my trainers told me that he didn’t think I’d have any problem making the transition from sim lab to a real-life clinic. (I’ve now been working for this organization for TWO YEARS. Time flies). 

 I need my knee to hold up. Yes, I’ll be sitting probably 95% of the time but over the last couple of weeks I’ve honestly only even been sort of comfortable sitting on the floor. Not ideal for taking calls, checking patients in, etc. I’m super excited to be working for such an incredible organization. They seem to really value every single employee and I feel lucky to be in a place which offers so many ways to grow. (Knee hasn’t really held up. But I have moved to a different clinic and I’ve already had the chance to change positions. Now, I build and maintain the schedules for our 45 doctors and I lovvvvveeeee being part of the residency clinic).

The picture on my ID badge is awful. Let’s not talk about it.


Instead, let’s get back on track and talk about these cookies. (I may have switched clinics, but the picture on the badge is the same and it is still truly awful). 

Soft. Chocolatey. Pretty. Perfect. Brownie. Cookie. Perfect for sharing. (Or not… you do you, I won’t judge).

But like really, these cookies are people pleasers. Trying to impress someone? Want to make a new friend? Need to bring something sweet to a potluck or celebration? These cookies will do the trick.

No one in their right mind can say no to chocolate. If you know anyone that does, remove them from your life immediately.

I’m kidding.

Kind of.

Maybe just try and win them over with these cookies. If these don’t work, there’s no hope for them. Sorry.

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