Let's Bake Together

Brown Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Comin’ atcha with a fun variation of my brown butter chocolate chip cookies this week.

A few weeks ago (time flies) I was at the grocery store, hanging out in the baking aisle. Obviously, where else do you think I spend my time? I was perusing the chocolate chip section, looking for my favourite mini chocolate chips, when I saw bags of Ghiradelli caramel chips. Naturally, I was curious so I grabbed a couple of bags and headed straight for the cash register.

This is how I come up with these recipes, you guys. I throw things in my cart/basket, buy them, then come home and try and figure out what the heck to do with them.

So far it hasn’t backfired too badly, so let’s keep our fingers crossed!

I thought of like 20 different things to do with these caramel chips, but at the end of the day, I kept coming back to the brown butter chocolate chip cookies. Which I honestly think I’ve made ever week for about three months now. Everyone I know is obsessed. Friends, family, coworkers, PATIENTS. I’m starting to think I might be right when I call them the greatest chocolate chip cookies ever. Even my coworkers that don’t eat gluten will eat these by the handful.

I’m onto something, I tell ya.

If I’m being completely honest with you, this isn’t so much a new recipe as it is a revamped recipe. It’s our good friend the brown butter chocolate chip cookie (BBCCC) with the addition of a few sweet caramel chips. Now, these chips are sweet, you don’t need a lot of them, but they do pair well with the nuttiness of the brown butter in the cookies.

Brown butter in cookies is the only way to go and I will go to my grave saying that.

I actually brought this cookie variation to work and they were gone within half a day. In case you were wondering, baked goods aren’t safe in a doctor’s office. They’ll be gone before you even knew they were there.

Proof that cookies are the way to the heart of just about everyone.

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