Let's Bake Together

Apple Spice Cake with Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting

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Autumn is the perfect time for all things apple.

Apple cider, muffins, doughnuts, fritters, cupcakes, cookies, biscuits, pies, and now, an apple spice cake with salted caramel cream cheese frosting. There is no limit to the magic of what an apple can do. They’re a versatile little fruit and I love them. You should love them, too.


On Saturday a group of my friends and I drove just over an hour from Portland to Hood River to do some of the stops along the Hood River Fruit Loop. When I say some of the stops what I really mean is a cider tasting, a wine tasting and a couple of the fruit stands. We have our priorities 😉


At the stands along the fruit loop there are plenty of apples, pears, pumpkins and other squashes for your fall decorating and cooking/baking needs. It was cloudy when we went but a clear day in Hood River cannot be beat, especially in the fall with the beautifully coloured leaves and mountain views. I tell everyone that comes to Portland to take a trip to Hood River, it’s a beautiful little town with a lot to offer. If you have a chance, go.


I didn’t buy any apples while I was there because with my kitchen looking how it does, I don’t have a lot of places to put them and other than just eating them, which is delicious, I don’t currently have a lot of ways to use them.


If I could have though used them though, I would have used them to make this cake again. It’s that good. The cake recipe itself comes from Sally’s Baking Addiction, but I added my own salted caramel cream cheese frosting on top and I think it really complements it well. I mean, salted caramel and apples? Dream combination.

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