Let's Bake Together

2015 Review: Thank You!

What a year this has been.

I started this blog almost two years ago as an outlet for all of my baking needs. Over these last two years this blog has allowed me to interact with people all over the world (60+ countries!) and for that I am so, so thankful.

While I had to relaunch my blog due to a server crash, losing my subscribers and followers, I have no doubt that this blog will continue to grow in 2016.

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 4.22.45 PM

I have so many ideas for recipes and I have set myself a baking challenge for the year and I’m so excited to take you all on the journey with me. I can promise that this particular challenge will probably have more failures than success but I will be documenting everything and I encourage you to laugh at me and then try them for yourselves. It’ll be fun 🙂

This year has been 12 months of ups and downs.

I graduated from culinary school, got my first job in the Portland food industry and successfully made it 365+ days without a knee surgery (a huge accomplishment for me). I’ve made connections with local small businesses, met some incredible people and on occasion I’ve laughed until I cried.


I’ve also experienced a server crash :(, continued knee pain with no answers, some baking conundrums and just some general life blahs.

That said, I’m excited to start 2016 with a clean slate. New fancy blog design and updates, hopefully some travel plans and exploring, using what I wish was a never-ending supply of butter, sugar, eggs and flour, and lots of new recipes for all of you. I’m looking forward to the unknown, new experiences and growth.


To end, we’re going to take a look at the most popular blog posts of this year:

  1. Strawberry Macarons
  2. Homemade Thin Mints
  3. Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
  4. Chocolate Strawberry Macarons
  5. Hazelnut Macarons with Blood Orange Ganache

You guys get my macaron obsession too, I’m so proud! 😀

I hope you all have a great end to 2015 and the best start to 2016, Happy New Year!

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